
IPEEC is working to address a range of energy efficiency issues that affect all sectors, from appliances and buildings to industry and power generation. Two of the biggest cross-sectoral issues are data and financing. Data must be both credible and accessible to support the development of accountable and evidence-based energy efficiency policies. Financing for energy efficiency is equally crucial, yet investments have traditionally been diffuse, difficult to track, and sometimes hindered by high upfront capital costs.

Governments have a central role to play in addressing cross-sectoral challenges, and must work together with relevant non-government actors to come up with coordinated solutions and facilitate continuous knowledge sharing. IPEEC currently oversees three task groups aimed at addressing cross-sectoral issues.

Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group EEFTG

The Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group (EEFTG) aims to enhance capital flows for energy efficiency investments. It also serves as a forum for G20 policy‑makers to engage with the private and public finance community, industry and international organisations.

To realise the multiple benefits of energy efficiency, greater investment is needed across G20 countries. The IEA estimates that annual energy efficiency investments must increase more than eightfold by 2035 in order for the energy sector to achieve decarbonisation (IEA, 2014, p. 135). Although energy efficiency actions tend to be very cost-effective, some can involve large up-front capital costs, and therefore require access to effective financial products and solutions.

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Improving Polices through Energy Efficiency Indicators (IPEEI)

The Improving Policies through Energy Efficiency Indicators Task Group (IPEEI) supports the implementation of energy efficiency monitoring methods in IPEEC member countries, by:

  • monitoring National Energy Efficiency Action Plans;
  • delivering cross-country comparison of energy efficiency trends in G20 countries;
  • providing training and capacity building on energy efficiency indicators for G20‑IPEEC member countries and others; and
  • adopting voluntary energy efficiency indicators in IPEEC member nations.

Energy efficiency indicators have been successfully developed and used in Europe, and are one of the main tools for benchmarking the assessment of sectoral or national impacts of energy efficiency policies. They are essential to supporting reliable datasets and effective policy exchanges among different jurisdictions and different countries.

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The Top Ten Energy Efficiency Best Practices and Best Available Technologies Task Group TOP TENs

The Top Ten Energy Efficiency Best Practices and Best Available Technologies Task Group (TOP TENs) seeks to:

  • enhance multilateral cooperation for sharing and identifying energy efficiency best practices (BPs) and best available technologies (BATs);
  • improve how energy end-users apply them; and
  • develop consistent criteria and methodologies to compile, evaluate and disseminate these findings.

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