Energy Management Action Network for Industrial Efficiency (EMAK)

EMAK was established in 2009 as a forum for discussing policy issues related to energy management and sharing the best practices of each country, region and industry. It is based around two networks:

  • a network of policy‑makers responsible for promoting best practice policies for energy management; and
  • a network of industry stakeholders focused on real-world applications of energy management systems.

EMAK contributes to work under the G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan.

Why does industry matter for energy efficiency?

Membership and governance

Leading members: Japan.
Participants: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Me , Republic of Korea, Russia and Turkey.

Recent developments

Japan hosted two central EMAK events in 2015, including:

  • a workshop in February on energy efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and waste heat recovery measures (New Delhi, India); and
  • a workshop in November on the role of energy services companies (ESCOs) in energy management systems (Moscow, Russia).

The workshops brought together participants from central and local governments, the industrial sector, private banks and government institutions. They were important interfaces for stakeholders, especially policy-makers and industry practitioners responsible for energy management in their current operations.

The latest publications for this task group can be found on the Publications page.

Further information